As the year winds down, and a new year peeks over the horizon, I can't help but think about what the coming year will bring to me. And what it will require of me.
I don't really make new year's resolutions; or at least I don't call them that. But as I reflect on my hopes and dreams for the next 12 months, I usually find my thoughts centering on a few themes from year to year. That often leads me to a word or phrase that becomes my touchstone for the next year. Something to remind me of the path I chose when I get lost, something to bolster my spirits when I feel low. Over the years my words and phrases have been things like "leap" "heal" and "no room for fear."
As 2013 comes along, I find that this year is no different. When I started thinking about what my word might be, it came to me clear and bright like the stars on a crystal clear night.
My own personal reminder to be determined, be deliberate, be strong and steady. To stick to my guns, stand up for myself. To not allow others to harass or intimidate me.
What are your plans for the new year? Any hopes and dreams on the horizon?